Delicious Holland in 1616 A prefab friends book, interleaved with blank pages for individual contributions, but in between pictures of Leiden and every day Holland, to keep alive the memory of the golden period of study in Leiden. Anton van der Lem • August 30, 2011
Digging up the past Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje encountered the tombstones of the sultans of Pasai in Aceh. Guest author • May 13, 2011
World History in a Carolingian Manuscript Remarkably fine copy of the Chronicle of Eusebius-Jerome. Guest author • April 29, 2011
The Dutch translation of Werner Rolevinck’s Fasciculus Temporum A remarkable desigh with names of popes, emperors and kings meandering throughout the text. Guest author • April 29, 2011
Woerden defended by water A small atlas with manuscript plans showing the fortification of Woerden. Martijn Storms • April 15, 2011
The Quran explained to Turkish readers Old Anatolian Turkish translation from the 16th century as a source for linguistic research. Arnoud Vrolijk • April 04, 2011
Rumphius' description of the flora of Amboina Rumphius the East-Indian Pliny. Guest author • April 02, 2011
The ‘Divisiekroniek’: Leiden book production in the year 1517 The costs of the work must have been substantial: 880 pages and over 300 illustrations, printed from 110 separate woodblocks. No wonder that its publisher Jan Severszoon requested an imperial patent in Brussels. André Bouwman • March 18, 2011
Praise of Folly Erasmus wrote one of the most famous books in world literature, Moriae encomium or Praise of Folly. Jef Schaeps • January 28, 2011