A Leiden Utopia in Leuven The edition of Thomas More's Utopia printed in Hoorn 1630 aimed at protestant readers; ‘catholic’ elements were weakened or removed. Guest author • December 08, 2016
A Quarrel between the Mayors of Amsterdam and the Nuns of St Mary Magdalen ‘or we shall destroy your vaulted ditch under the street’. Guest author • November 06, 2016
ABC for the advanced: the trompe l'oeil booklet of Cryn van Zuyderhoudt Those who look closely will find many treasures in this book. Guest author • August 23, 2016
Neglect of duty by a Batavian naval officer "Do I travel to The Hague to lose my health in some cell, or do I flee to Britain which will probably raise the hateful suspicions even more?" Guest author • June 07, 2016
A young minister’s special collection. Hendrik Ludwijn de Voogt’s (1840-1870) pamphlet collection A unique possession for the Leiden University Library to treasure! Guest author • March 10, 2016
Erasmus’ New Testament edition of 1516 The new translation immediately met with great enthusiasm and vehement opposition. Guest author • February 28, 2016
A juvenile drawing by the talented symbolist Carel de Nerée tot Babberich A remarkable Dutch symbolist drawing that is quite unknown. Guest author • January 29, 2016
Van Eeden visiting Busken Huet Friends at the dining table, rivals in literature dispute. Guest author • January 18, 2016
Dried Flowers with a Story The therapeutic powers of all kinds of plants. Guest author • January 07, 2016